International Boogie Woogie Festival Holland 2005

April 30th 2005, the International Boogie Woogie Festival Holland took place in the Hotels van Oranje
in Noordwijk. This second edition of the festival was -like the first- sold out
with over 1,000 visitors.

Below you can look back and find information about the festival, such as the live DVD registration
(DTS 5.1) of the festival.

Program 2005
Photo impression 2005
The festival in the press - television 2005
The festival in the press - radio / newspapers
DVD 2005
Sponsors 2005
Contributors 2005


The festival had radio coverage at various radio stations , including performances of the festival artists. Interviews and editorial articles were published in various newspapers and magazines.
RTV Noord-Holland - De Muziekafdeling

April 23rd 2005, RTV Noord-Holland featured the festival during half an hour in the program De Muziekafdeling, hosted by Abel de Lange.

The broadcast can be listened to online via the website of RTV Noord-Holland. Please click hete.

RTV West

April 9th 2005, Martijn Schok performed live for RTV West during the program ZEP. The mobile studio was situated in the Ticketshop of the Haags Uitburo.

March 31 2005, the Martijn Schok boogie & Blues Band played in the program "Per Ron" for RTV West, hosted by Ron Davids. The listeners were informed about the festival by various interviews and could enjoy the live perfomance of the Martijn Schok Boogie & Blues Band.


In het programma 'Spinning The Blues' besteedde presentator Fred Broekman regelmatig aandacht aan het festival. Gedurende enkele weken werden geregeld opnames gedraaid van artiesten die op het festival optreden.

Leidsch Dagblad

May 2nd 2005, the newspaper Leidsch Dagblad published a review on the festival. Click here to read the article.

Gooi- en Eemlander

Op 2 december 2004 plaatste de Gooi- en Eemlander een artikel over het Internationale Boogie Woogie Festival Holland 2005.

Om het artikel te lezen kunt u hier clicken.

De Gelderlander

Op 21 april 2005 plaatste de Gelderlander een uitgebreid achtergrond artikel over medeorganisator Martijn Schok.

Het artikel zal binnenkort hier worden gepubliceerd.

Op 12 december 2004 werd al een kort bericht geplaatst, click hier.


83.000 copies of the Woensdagkrant were distributed in the region Duin- en Bollenstreek, with an announcement of the International Boogie Woogie Festival Holland 2005.

To read the article, please click here.

Nieuws van Oranje

In two edition of the glossy magazine Nieuws van Oranje, the festival was featured on a big one page advertisement. Total amount was 11,000, and was distributed by the Hotels van Oranje to their private and business relations and was also distributed in all the hotel rooms.